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It may involve a GetComponent call in OnTrigger events depending on your setup, but this is definitely better than destroying / creating colliders. Servers with script leaks this server posts all Cronus zen scripts that cost money FOR FREE, feel free to join the scripts i post include notorious, supreme, auxz, loyers, lethan panda and a lot more Hello I was wondering does anything know if Pedro’s nightmare is still the best Rust script for console. If you want to remove it more permanently, you can use: DestroyĮDIT If this is already a trigger, why not just set your own custom flag on an attached monobehaviour? You can filter the state yourself in much the same way, in OnTriggerEnter, etc, just call MyScript.IsColliderEnabled. Toggling this is probably faster than removing / readding the component, but you might want to test that. I love this game because of the cute little food and the worms they are so little and then suddenly thay are huge because they eat the food and I like that if a worm dies they make it big food instead of showing the dead body I 100 present recommend this game to you its a lot of fun l played it a hundred times.
Setting isTrigger also means you don't have to ignore collisions between your object and all the other objects. All of our sound effects are free to download and ready to use in your next video or audio project, under the Mixkit License. Alternatively, you can set Collider.isTrigger to true, which doesn't entirely eliminate effects, but may do what you want.