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The Object.prototype._defineGetter_() and Object.prototype._defineSetter_() methods can no longer be called at the global scope without any object.Use the standard m flag instead ( bug 1219757). The non-standard RegExp.multiline property (not ) has been removed.Use the () method instead ( bug 1103588). The () method has been removed (it was deprecated since version 40).Use the standard Proxy object instead ( bug 892903). The deprecated old Proxy API ( Proxy.create and Proxy.createFunction()) has been removed.The Intl.getCanonicalLocales() method of the ECMAScript Internationalization API draft has been implemented ( bug 1263040).The ES2015 getter and getter have been implemented ( bug 1165053).The ES2015 getter has been implemented ( bug 1165052).The ES2015 Symbol.isConcatSpreadable symbol has been implemented ( bug 1041586).The ES2015 Symbol.unscopables and properties have been implemented ( bug 1054759 and bug 1258163).The () and () methods have been implemented ( bug 1260509).Added an internal-only syntax for to detect pref ( bug 1259889).The absolute value of position properties on the top layer element ( bug 1236828).The text value of background-clip is now available in all type of Firefox (and not only non-release builds) ( bug 1263516).Added -webkit-box-flex, -webkit-box-ordinal-group, -webkit-box-align and -webkit-box-pack properties and -webkit-box value to display as aliases for modern CSS Flexbox ( bug 1208635).-webkit-flex-direction, -webkit-flex-wrap, -webkit-flex-flow, -webkit-order, -webkit-flex, -webkit-flex-grow, -webkit-flex-shrink, -webkit-flex-basis, -webkit-justify-content, -webkit-align-items, -webkit-align-self and -webkit-align-content were added as aliases for the unprefixed properties and the values -webkit-flex and -webkit-inline-flex for the display property as aliases for the unprefixed values ( bug 1274096).The value -webkit-inline-box is now an alias of inline-flex on the display property.-webkit-box-direction, -webkit-box-orient ( bug 1262049.-webkit-background-clip (as background-clip) text value ( bug 759568).-webkit-text-stroke, -webkit-text-stroke-color, -webkit-text-stroke-width ( bug 1248708).Several -webkit prefixed properties and values have been added for web compatibility, behind the preference, defaulting to false:.The ::first-letter pseudo-element now also matches punctuation characters of type Pd that precede or immediately follow the actual first letter this is a new requirement of CSS Pseudo-element module level 4 ( bug 1260366).Support for the experimental color-adjust property has been added, allowing pages to specify that background colors and images should be printed ( bug 1209273).Support for horizontal-in-vertical ( tate-chu-yoko) text has been added via the all value of the text-combine-upright property ( bug 1097499).Interpolation of clip-path basic shapes in CSS animations and transitions is now supported ( bug 1110460).The luminance value for mask-mode has been added the auto value has been renamed to match-source, to match the spec ( bug 1228354).now supports grid and flex layouts ( bug 1230207).Percentage tracks are now treated as auto if grid container size is indefinite ( bug 1264607).Fragmentation for grid layout has been implemented ( bug 1144096).Our experimental implementation of CSS grids has been updated:.Added support for nested CSS calc() ( bug 968761).calc() is now supported on the line-height property ( bug 594933).The calc() has been improved to be closer to the specification:.

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