Right-click on the listing for your computer’s keyboard.How do you check if a keyboard key is working?
Open the Quick Link menu: Windows logo key + X.Display and hide the desktop: Windows logo key + D.Open Task View: Windows logo key + Tab.Maximize Window: F11 or Windows logo key + Up arrow.Once placed below the key, twist the flat object or push down until the key pops off. Insert a flat object below the key, such as a small flathead screwdriver or a car key, as shown in the picture. To remove a standard keyboard key, start by pressing down on the key in front of the key you want to remove.

Press the right or left arrow key to select Enable or Disable the Fn Key switch. Press the f10 key to open the BIOS Setup menu. The main difference between these keyboards is that the “ and are in opposite positions. Usually, the keyboard is swapping between a US keyboard and a UK keyboard. The reason why the and ” keys keep swapping is because your keyboard is switching between two different language settings.